Nové technické normy

Nové technické normy
9. 10. 2023 Poradna 397 zobrazení

Aktuální změny v oblasti technických norem

ČSN EN 12104 Pružné podlahové krytiny - Korkové dlaždice - Specifikace

- v angličtině, platí od listopadu 2023

ANOTACE: This document specifies the requirements for cork floor coverings made from agglomerated composition cork, with or without a decorative surface layer, with or without applied colours, supplied in tile form which are designed to be used with a factory finish and/or an in situ finish. The cork floor decorative surface layer can be made of cork or other bio-based decorative materials, e.g. wood or bamboo veneers, linoleum, leather or natural fibres. This document includes a classification system based on intensity of use which shows where cork floor tiles with a factory finish can give satisfactory service (see EN ISO 10874). It also specifies requirements for marking, labelling and packing.

Jejím vyhlášením se zrušuje ČSN EN 12104 Pružné podlahové krytiny - Korkové dlaždice - Specifikace; červenec 2019

ČSN EN 16511 Modulární podlahové krytiny s mechanickým zámkovým systémem (MMF) – Specifikace, požadavky a metoda zkoušení pro vícevrstvé modulární panely pro pokládku plovoucí podlahy

- v angličtině, platí od listopadu 2023

ANOTACE: This document specifies the characteristics of multilayer mechanical locked floor covering with a wear-resistant and decorative surface layer supplied in panels (either tile or plank form). The floor panels are considered suitable for domestic and commercial levels of use and designed for floating installation. This document does not apply to resilient floor panels for loose-laying according to EN ISO 20326, to multilayer wood floorings according to EN 13489, to wood veneer floor coverings according to EN 14354, to laminate floor covering according to EN 13329, EN 14978 and EN 15468 nor to products specified in EN ISO 10581, EN ISO 10582, EN ISO 24011, EN 12104 and ISO 14486. This document is applicable to areas which are subject to frequent wetting, e.g. bathrooms, laundry rooms or saunas, only if specified by the producer. This document also includes requirements for marking and packaging. In Annex A (informative), optional properties are given. In Annex B (informative), a test method for the classification of the flexibility is given.

Jejím vyhlášením se zrušuje ČSN EN 16511+A1 Volně kladené panely - Polotuhé vícevrstvé modulární podlahové panely (MMF) s nášlapnou vrstvou odolnou proti opotřebení; listopad 2019